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Career Transition Coaching 


Getting promoted or hired into a leadership position at a higher level in an organization is a common and natural career objective for many people.  When it happens there is often great pride in the accomplishment and personal satisfaction with the new authority, not to mention the higher compensation that usually is part of the package.  While getting such a job can be the greatest highlight of a career, it can also be the greatest challenge of a career.  Identifying and addressing issues with managing former peers, shifting personal activities further away from details, thinking strategically, keeping personal balance while also getting in sync with the new boss are just a few of the common challenges a new leader faces in addition to the direct demands of the position.    


Navigating these new waters can be overwhelming but all too frequently these individuals are left on their own to either sink or swim.  During this critical transition it is very helpful to have a trusted and experienced coach behind you to bring out fresh perspective and insights.  With a leadership transition coach on your side you gain objectivity in assessing the risks and opportunities of the organization's situation and the implications relative to your personal strengths and weaknesses.  The coach will also challenge you to stay on track with your key organizational and personal learning priorities during the transition.  Together you and your coach will focus on creating and sustaining positive momentum, with your boss as well as your team, to be successful in the short and long terms. 


The Peak Pathways Career Transition Coaching program is available to individuals as well as organizations to support executives as they transition into new leadership responsibilities as a result of promotion within their current organization or being hired with a new employer.  The program begins with an individual consultation to establish a frame work of the key issues to be anticipated in the transition.  This phase is most beneficial when completed a few weeks prior to starting work in the new position. 


The hallmark of the program is the one on one executive coaching during the first few months on the job.  This is a customized approach of partnering with the leader based on a personal plan to successfully step up into the new responsibilities and make positive contributions to the organization as quickly as possible while at the same time laying a solid foundation for long term success.  The executive will identify specific needs and work with the leadership transition coach to set the goals as well as the length and frequency of coaching meetings.    


The enduring value of the program is the cultural shift that begins to take place throughout the organization as attitudes toward leaders in new roles changes from sink or swim to accelerating success.    


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“ We must become the change we want to see. ”
- Gandhi -

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Papillion, NE 68046

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